On Monday, the Garfield County Commissioners will consider giving the Roaring Fork School District nearly $40,000 to design a safer way to walk and bike to Riverview School.
Riverview is a brand new K through 8 school, sandwiched between Glenwood Springs and Carbondale. Kids can use the Rio Grande Trail if they live on the north side of the school, but, for anyone else, there’s no sidewalk or trail to use.
That's why the school recommends that kids don't walk or bike to school at this time.
Garfield County Commissioner Tom Jankovsky said the nearly $40,000 is to design a trail from the school, across the Roaring Fork River, up to the Iron Bridge community.
River-crossings aren’t cheap, he said. "This is an expensive mile of trail."
If the county and school district do partner on this project, Jankovsky said, they would apply for a grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to Schools Programs when it comes time to build the actual trail.