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Frani Halperin

Frani Halperin is an Executive Producer at H2O Radio. Frani's interest in water and the environment started when she was a Girl Scout in Southern California. Someone’s father, who was less enthusiastic about cookie sales and sewing and more driven to make outdoorswomen of the young ladies, led the troop to acquire a reverence for the natural world, which she holds to this day. Frani chose to get a degree in landscape architecture (at the University of California, Berkeley) with the hope of developing open space plans, but also to design urban places that would be more green and on a human scale. Ultimately, she expanded her design repertoire to print—and eventually digital—media, and her devotion to the environment only strengthened. In 2013, she merged her design skills and passion for the natural world with an affection for radio and the result was H2O Radio, which she founded with Jamie Sudler. “Being able to produce stories that engage and inform about water issues, in addition to being able to stoke my creativity as a storyteller, is my ultimate dream come true."