As schools everywhere are faced with the dilemma of cancelling summer programs amid the pandemic, ‘High School, High Scholar,’ known as '(HS)2' at…
Spring Board Aspen is looking to expand both their membership and outreach. They want the community to know that students pursuing college who are…
Spring Board Aspen Members not only learn how to be future philanthropic leaders, they also collaborate with schools in the valley to help alleviate the…
Spring Board Aspen members learn how to be future philanthropic leaders. Established in 1997 under the Aspen Community Foundation, there has been a great…
Energetics Education is a young non-profit organization based in Carbondale that works to bring energy education programs into high schools. Established…
The Aspen Hope Center turns five on June 1st. The nonprofit serves those in emotional crisis with most clients either dealing with mental health problems…
The Colorado Rocky Mountain School's 60-year history is chock-full of interesting characters - people who believe work in the classroom should be coupled…
The music department at the Aspen School District is growing, despite the odds. The budget for music is minimal compared to schools in other states. Last…
Ten percent of all pregnancies in Garfield County are to teenage mothers. That’s high compared to the national average. One non profit is working in…
Researchers at the Colorado School of Public Health have found high school athletes competing at higher elevations suffer fewer concussions than their…