Pitkin County residents may soon see some changes in their trash bills. Officials have proposed an update to a 27-year-old ordinance governing waste and…
Garfield and Eagle are among five counties in northwest Colorado that are working together toreduce their trash, and the first step is learning what’s now…
The Pitkin County Landfill started recycling textiles last fall, and now accepts those items at the Rio Grande Recycling Center. There are now collection…
As the Pitkin County Landfill heads toward capacity, the City of Aspen is turning its focus to the largest garbage producer in the valley: construction…
Morgan Williams, the fourth and fifth grade teacher at Glenwood Spring’s Two Rivers Community School took his students on a multi-disciplinary field trip…
Pitkin County developed a dirty reputation earlier this year when it was revealed that the average citizen produces 10 pounds of waste per day. In…
Composting is one tactic for diverting waste from the Pitkin County Landfill which is quickly reaching capacity. A “living lab” has created gardens at the…
A study released yesterday shows that the average Pitkin County citizen produces nearly ten pounds of trash each day. Government officials are now trying…
A study is underway in the upper valley (Aspen/Pitkin County) to see what people are tossing in the trash. It’s a dirty job, but the goal is to find ways…