Public lands have historically operated under multiple-use mandates ranging from mining to grazing to recreation to conservation. The multiple uses of public lands have various economic ramifications and distributional effects for adjacent communities and for the public. In this presentation, Evan Hjerpe explains how economic activities on public lands affect regional economies, summarizes recent research conducted on the economic influence of protected areas, and illustrates economic transitions occurring in and near public lands.
All around us, all the time, the birds are telling us who they are and what they are doing. In this talk, Nathan Pieplow unlocks the secrets of their language. You’ll listen in on the pillow talk of a pair of Red-winged Blackbirds, and learn the secret signals that Cliff Swallows use when they have found food. You’ll learn how one bird sound can have many meanings, and how one meaning can have many sounds – and how, sometimes, the meaning isn’t in the sounds at all.
IdentiFlight International was created to facilitate the development and operation of the wind energy business by promoting the successful coexistence of avian wildlife and wind energy.
The National Wild and Scenic Rivers System was created by Congress in 1968 to preserve selected rivers in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Learn how these free-flowing rivers provide essential habitat for aquatic species in a changing world.
Taylor Rabe works as a biological technician for the Yellowstone Wolf Project, where she spends her days tracking and observing radio-collared wolves and sharing invaluable insight and knowledge about these special animals with millions of park visitors. In this presentation, Taylor shares the stories, data collected, and controversies surrounding Yellowstone Wolves and their future going forward.
Explore Booksellers and Environment America hosted Earthjustice President Abigail Dillen and Carbondale’s Wilderness Workshop Executive Director Will Roush at Explore for a discussion on the environmental movement’s efforts to equitably address the climate and biodiversity crises.
Delia Malone speaks at ACES about the importance of protecting fen integrity is order to of mitigate impacts of climate warming in the arid west.
Professor Jason LaBelle speaks on our current understanding of Native American occupation of Colorado’s highest mountains over the past ten thousand years, as revealed through archaeology, ethnohistory, and oral history.
Dr. Stewart Breck discusses his research on bear populations and behavior, patterns of human-bear conflict, and results of management efforts to reduce conflict in towns throughout Colorado.
Naturalist Nights: Where Wildlife Meets the Road: Advancing Safe Passages in the Roaring Fork ValleyJulia Kintsch and Cecily DeAngelo discuss wildlife’s need for connectivity across roads; how wildlife crossings can create safer roads for wildlife and motorists; and steps being taken in Colorado and, specifically, in the Roaring Fork Valley to advance safe passages for wildlife.