The runoff election for the remaining open Aspen City Council seat concludes Tuesday.
Ahead of that, Aspen Public Radio’s Alycin Bektesh examined donations to Ward Hausenstein and Torre’s campaigns.
Hausenstein began the run off period with $3,000 on hand. Torre had just $300. Top donors to Hauenstein's campaign include prominent conservatives Elizabeth Milias and Maurice Emmer. Emmer collaborated with Hauenstein to defeat the development of Base 2 lodge in 2015. Kathryn Frisch, wife of sitting councilmember Adam Frisch, also donated the maximum amount.
Developer Peter Fornell is among Torre’s donors. Torre came in ahead of Hauenstein in the May general election. Jerry Murdock also gave to the campaign, he led a successful ordinance restricting new formula retail in Aspen.
Both candidates spent the bulk of their funds on local newspaper ads.