More than a hundred professional cyclists are getting ready to pedal out of the Roaring Fork Valley. They’re racing in the fifth year of the USA Pro…
The USA Pro Cycling Challenge brings to Aspen not just professional cyclists, but visitors, vendors and infrastructure. To put on the event that spans two…
The biggest impact to local traffic this week from the USA Pro Challenge will be on Independence Pass.The professional cyclists will arrive in Aspen…
The Castle Creek valley just outside of Aspen is becoming increasingly popular to recreationists like hikers and cyclists. Pitkin County and the White…
A new race is coming to the cycling circuit and will start in Colorado. The USA Pro Challenge announced today it will be opening a new competition for…
Disgraced Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has pleaded guilty to hitting two parked cars in town late last year. Armstrong paid the fine via mail on…
Aspen and Snowmass Village have played host before to the USA Pro Challenge but, for the first time this year, the race will travel through Basalt and…
Sunday marks an anniversary of a local tragedy. A wildfire near Glenwood Springs 20 years ago, killed fourteen firefighters.As the cycling world gears up…
As the cycling world gears up for the Tour de France start this coming Saturday, July 5th, the sport is still dusting itself off. A generation of riders…
The USA Pro Challenge will return to the area this August, only this time it’ll cover more ground in the Roaring Fork Valley. The race will spend the…