The the granting committee of the Basalt Education Foundation considers a grant request from a teacher or administrator, they look at a few key…
Junior Achievement of the Roaring Fork Valley does not receive any funding from the National umbrella. All chapters function independently. Junior…
Spring Board Aspen Members not only learn how to be future philanthropic leaders, they also collaborate with schools in the valley to help alleviate the…
Spring Board Aspen members learn how to be future philanthropic leaders. Established in 1997 under the Aspen Community Foundation, there has been a great…
Hike for Hope's founders discuss the importance of muscular dystrophy awareness for our community members. The Sharp family will continue to keep moving…
Ian Sharp, son of Carole and Bob Sharp of Aspen, has Becker muscular dystrophy. Ian's parents share some insight into what this entails, why it's…
Bob and Carole Sharp started this organization when they learned of their son's muscular dystrophy prognosis. A new, advance technology, Crispr- Cas9, has…
Carole and Bob Sharp are the founders of the Hike for Hope Foundation. Their son Ian has muscular dystrophy and the Sharps raise money to put toward…
Heidi Zuckerman saw the value of going outside of the valley when she became the chief curator at Aspen Art Museum over a decade ago. At the time, the…
The Aspen Art Museum held its annual ArtCrush fundraising event on Friday. The museum netted $2.5 million, and was exactly what was expected, according to…