The Aspen Institute announced last week that Dan Porterfield will succeed Walter Isaacson as president and CEO of the think tank. Porterfield is currently…
Walter Isaacson has long been captivated by interdisciplinary creators. His bibliography includes works on innovators like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and…
Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke last night at the McCloskey Speakers series at the Aspen Institute. She began by describing her…
Walter Isaacson is fascinated by innovators — the kinds of geniuses whose ideas have transformed industry, science, and society. Albert Einstein, Steve…
The annual Aspen Institute Ideas Festival made local and national headlines all week, and there's plenty going on in the communities of Carbondale and…
The Aspen Ideas Festival's signature event hosts an audience of 2,000 in the Benedict Music Tent. Big thinkers and doers will engage serious ideas about…
Jon Batiste is a renowned jazz musician and has been the band leader for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert since 2015. He was in Aspen over the weekend…
Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, announced Tuesday that he is resigning. He will leave his post at the end of the year. In…
The McCloskey Speaker Series on Aug. 12 was titled Democratic Governors Panel: Leading from the State Level. Democratic governors discussed how to lead a…
The McCloskey Speaker Series continued on Tuesday with Steve Case, the co-founder of America Online. He spoke with Walter Isaacson, the president and CEO…