Ilana Newman
Ilana Newman is the Cortez Reporting Fellow for the Daily Yonder, a publication providing news, commentary, and analysis about and for rural America. Ilana lives in Dolores, Colorado, and writes about the environment, health, and anything that affects her rural community.
In rural Colorado, recycling is limited by transportation and cost, but a new law calls for producers to fund recycling around the state.
In rural areas, public schools are often the only education option. If families in Colorado, Kentucky or Nebraska are allowed to divert state funds to private education, rural communities stand to suffer the most.
What makes a church is the community. An artist in rural Monte Vista, Colorado, revived an old church building to serve as a gathering ground for the community of artists and creative locals.
With different understanding of what “protecting” means for the lands surrounding the Dolores River, residents and environmental organizations try to find a common solution to preserving the wild and rugged landscape.
The Colorado group hopes to draw greater attention to small businesses based in rural parts of the state.
Funding from the LOR Foundation allows farmers to experiment with unique and heritage grains and seeds that might be better adapted to drought conditions in the Southwest.
In Mancos, Colorado, the discovery of a rare Cranston printing press sparked the creation of a community art space, illustrating the potential of rural places as artistic and creative hubs.
Young people leave their homes to explore and learn everywhere, not just in rural America. But rural spaces offer some unique advantages that inspire many to return and bolster their communities.
A Colorado “creative community” and arts organization brings together queer artists for an art show focused on rural landscapes and queer identities.
It’s one of many battles fought nationwide for survival of rural birth centers, which tend to be less profitable for hospitals operating in small communities. At stake is the health and safety of women who could lose access to necessary healthcare entirely.