This week, the votes are in. The Aspen School District Board of Education gets a new member, tax questions supporting Colorado Mountain College and…
Check out the results for ballot measures in Pitkin, Eagle and Garfield counties. We also bring you analysis from our news team on what the election…
Tuesday is Election Day. With no statewide measures, turnout is expected to be lower than the last few years.Polls close at 7 p.m. and all ballots must be…
In this election, voters in Eagle County will decide whether or not to allow the county to tax recreational marijuana.The money would go towards mental…
Turnout is expected to be low for the Nov. 7 election. That’s largely because there is no statewide ballot question to help generate excitement for or…
Aspen residents will see a tax measure on their ballot this election. The question asks voters to approve a tax on tobacco products. Reporter Alycin…
November election ballots are being mailed to voters across Colorado this week. There’s no statewide ballot question this year.Local issues – including…
Colorado Mountain College (CMC) wants to make up for diminishing revenue by tinkering with property taxes. Voters have the final say this November.On…
The public will have a chance to get to know the candidates for Aspen School Board Wednesday. The Board of Education Candidates’ Forum is from 6 to 7:30…
There’s an election coming up in November, and, across Garfield and Eagle counties, voters will decide on everything from pot taxes to historic…