Today we turn to sex, drugs and mental health. Worldwide, sexually-transmitted diseases are on the rise. Many cultures don’t discuss sex in public and…
With roughly $220,000 from the state in grant money, the Roaring Fork School District hired three, full-time “prevention specialists” who will teach…
An effort to better track drugged driving arrests in Colorado is now in effect. The measure requires law enforcement to document what substances are…
According to A Way Out, in 2016 the surgeon general said that 1 in 7 Americans will confront a substance abuse addiction. A client of A Way Out shares his…
A Way Out's mission is to support people in drug and alcohol crisis with the treatment they need. Since Aspen is a resort destination, the issues of how…
Glenwood Springs and Garfield County could see a new detox center. But it all depends on finding a place to put it. There hasn’t been one for the last few…
A new Colorado law might make life a little safer in the Roaring Fork Valley. If someone is caught driving drunk for the fourth time, a new statewide law…
There’s opposition to a smoking ban at a cluster of Aspen’s health buildings. Smoking bans in public places are common, especially in locations where…
Colorado’s Unemployment Picture Colorado’s unemployment rate continues to drop. New figures by the Department of Labor and Employment show the rate…
Welcome to Valley Roundup, a review of the top news stories in the valley in the past week.This week - getting citizens behind urban planning. In Basalt,…