What are insurance tax credits? What are cost-sharing reductions? How do people enroll in health insurance?Health insurance open enrollment is November 1…
Coloradans who purchase their health insurance on the individual marketplace can expect to save even more money next year than lawmakers originally…
Gov. Jared Polis announced Wednesday that the federal government has approved a reinsurance plan designed to lower premiums for individuals buying…
The deadline to sign up for health insurance is looming. On Saturday, experts from Mountain Family Health Centers are setting up shop to help residents…
Wednesday is the first day to purchase individual health insurance plans through the federal marketplace. The 2018 Affordable Care Act plans are more…
On the ballot in November, Coloradans will be voting on “ColoradoCare” — an amendment to the state constitution that would establish a single-payer health…
Health insurance companies have submitted what coverage they want to offer in 2017. Only one carrier, Anthem, wants to sell individual plans in the…
A supervisor can have a bigger impact on a worker’s health than a primary care doctor. That’s according to the The National Institute for Occupational…
It’s official: Colorado is going to look at a simpler way of calculating health insurance rates. Gov. John Hickenlooper approved the move Tuesday.State…
Health insurance is especially pricey in the Roaring Fork Valley. Now Gov. John Hickenlooper is expected to approve a study looking at making the cost of…