A new mode of transportation is joining the ranks of popular outdoor activities in the valley, but not without a touch of controversy.Electric mountain…
Mike Pritchard, Executive Director of the Roaring Fork Mountain Bike Association, RFMBA, shares the organization's recent success with trail systems in…
The popular trail that leads to Hanging Lake in the Glenwood Canyon will be closed one or two days in May, June and September while the Eagle-Holy Cross…
A pedestrian bridge over Castle Creek Road near Aspen was damaged this summer. Now it’s getting fixed, which means the road will be closed to traffic…
A lawsuit was filed Monday (8/31) in an effort to keep a popular connector trail open. It links up to the Hunter Creek trail in Aspen’s backyard. The…
Trails on peaks in Aspen’s backyard have received both “A” and “F” grades. That’s according to a report card on Colorado’s 14,000 foot peaks or…
The White River National Forest’s newest visitors center officially opens Tuesday. The Forest Service moved the center from Aspen to Highlands to make…
Pitkin County is leading an effort to explore the development of new trails in the Upper Valley. At issue is whether new trails are needed for users like…