Catherine de Medici Jaffee is a storyteller and writer who grew up on the W/J Ranch in Woody Creek. She now runs a podcast production company in Denver called House of Pod. For nearly two years, Cat and her team have been working with National Geographic and the Wild Bird Trust to create “Guardians of the River.” Although set in southern Africa, this eight-episode podcast resonates with local water issues here and across the West.
The Colorado Water Conservation Board, which oversees water use across the state, has given the City of Aspen $186,356 to look into an alternative way to…
The Pitkin County community survey is used to measure the public’s satisfaction with government services and identify areas for improvement. On Tuesday,…
This January, Aaron Million filed a claim for water on the Green River, with plans to divert it to Colorado’s Front Range. The proposal, and the many…
As the City of Aspen is poised to purchase land that could be used as a reservoir, city council heard about the need for such water storage. George Oamek…
The City of Aspen is working to retain conditional water rights to build reservoirs on Maroon and Castle Creeks, and the court battle could get expensive.…
The City of Aspen has filed to keep conditional water rights on Castle and Maroon creeks because, council members say, the town may one day need water…
Pitkin County is the only county in the state that has a fund dedicated to protecting the health of rivers. The Healthy Rivers and Streams board oversees…
A bipartisan committee of lawmakers met Tuesday to begin crafting water policy that could be introduced during next year’s legislation session. But as…
Colorado is on the road to becoming the final state in the country to legalize rain barrels, after Democrats reached an agreement with several Republica...