In just a few weeks, black bears around the Roaring Fork Valley will settle down for a season of hibernation. But until then, they are on the hunt for…
Roadside signs warn "bears are clever." Stories of bears digging through trash cans abound. As autumn rolls around, Colorado Parks and Wildlife warns that…
This week, hosts Zoe Rom and Christin Kay bring you the week's news from the Roaring Fork Valley. Basalt reduces the number of volunteer hours that…
People, plants and animals all enjoy the nearly 5,000 acres of land owned by Pitkin County Open Space and Trails. To make sure the shared space remains a…
After a series of incidents between humans and wildlife - particularly with bears - it is now illegal to harass wild animals in the City of Aspen. The new…
July in Aspen is peak tourist season. As part of a monthly series on Roaring Fork wildlife, Elizabeth Stewart-Severy checked in on some visitors from the…
The late June heat above Carbondale is dry and sneezy. Butterflies flutter through the sagebrush, stalked by teams of net-wielding students and…
With summer season warming up, area wildlife agencies are reminding people to respect trails that remain closed.Many local hiking and biking trails…
Young and newborn wildlife often attract the attention of well-meaning citizens. Wildlife agencies and local nonprofits are reminding people to keep their…
As more and more people make use of public lands for skiing, hiking and biking, wildlife experience additional strain. This week, two Colorado researchers…