The Garfield County Public Library District faced backlash this year, as some people tried to restrict access to books in the adult section, citing safety concerns about children. But library staff remain committed to serving the community, especially through their children’s programming.
Entre los que esperan restringir el acceso a los libros en el distrito de las bibliotecas públicas del condado de Garfield se encuentran ahora los comisionados del condado de Garfield. El público tuvo la oportunidad de compartir sus opiniones sobre la controversia durante el foro "Libertad para leer" organizado por la biblioteca.
Those hoping to restrict access to books in the Garfield County Public Library District now include Garfield County commissioners. The public got a chance to share its thoughts on the controversy during a “Freedom to Read” forum hosted by the library.
Algunos residentes del condado de Garfield piden al distrito de bibliotecas que restrinja los libros de la sección de adultos con candado y llave, o que los retire por completo. El director ejecutivo de las Bibliotecas del Condado de Garfield dice que no todo lo que hay en la biblioteca es para todos, y defendió a su personal frente al acoso de los usuarios.
Some Garfield County residents are asking the library district to either restrict books in the adult section with a lock and key, or to remove the books altogether. Garfield County Libraries’ executive director says not everything in the library is for everyone, and defended his staff against harassment from patrons.
Un usuario dijo a los funcionarios que consideraba que un empleado no debería trabajar en la biblioteca sucursal de Parachute porque pensaba que era transgénero. Los funcionarios dicen que apoyan a sus empleados y clientes LGBTQ.
A patron told officials she felt an employee shouldn’t work at the Parachute branch library because she thought they were transgender. Officials say they stand by their LGBTQ employees and patrons.