Aspen Public Radio is speaking with the candidates for the Colorado House of Representatives’ District 57 this week, starting with Democratic candidate Cole Buerger of Glenwood Springs. He is one of two local Democrats hoping to challenge Republican incumbent Perry Will in the November election.
Question 2A asks Aspen voters to reconsider funds raised from the Wheeler Opera House’s real estate transfer tax.
Election day is less than two weeks away, on Nov. 5, but Monday marks two important dates for voters in the Roaring Fork Valley. Monday is the first day…
This week, interim leadership is in place in Aspen, and we get real data about the city’s growth. A group of locals are hoping to keep families and their…
This week...We look at the adventurous life of a valley local who died in a bike accident over the weekend and examine ongoing calls for leadership change…
This week: some hellos and goodbyes to journalists in the Valley, two discussions about owning permanent space in downtown Aspen, and using city dollars…
City officials say there will not be a public vote regarding the location of Aspen Mountains’ Lift 1A this fall. Two private developers, the City of…
Carbondale lawyer Karl Hanlon is running for congress, challenging incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton. Hanlon, currently the city attorney for Glenwood Springs,…
Tuesday is Election Day. With no statewide measures, turnout is expected to be lower than the last few years.Polls close at 7 p.m. and all ballots must be…
This Fall, ballots will include school board elections for the Aspen and Roaring Fork School Districts, as well as finance questions from the Carbondale…