You can find an English-language version of this story here.Todos los votantes registrados en Colorado recibirán por correo el “libro azul” oficial. La…
Pueden encontrar la versión en español aqui. All registered voters in Colorado will receive an official “blue book” in the mail. The bipartisan guide is…
Numbers from around the Roaring Fork Valley show slightly more than a third of registered voters cast a ballot on election day 2019, according to…
Voting ends at 7 p.m. tonight and there are a number of ways to cast your ballot in today's election.It’s too late to mail ballots in, but they can still…
Election day is less than two weeks away, on Nov. 5, but Monday marks two important dates for voters in the Roaring Fork Valley. Monday is the first day…
Ballots for the June 26 primary election are in the mail today. Coloradans will choose candidates in key open races including governor, attorney general…
As of July 31, more than 5,000 Coloradans are no longer registered to vote. They self-selected to unenroll prior to their information being sent to the…
Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams has said he will comply with a request from the Trump administration to hand over all state voter data.…
More Republicans voted in Colorado’s presidential election compared to Democrats or Unaffiliated voters, according to the latest figures.
Hillary Clinton stayed out of the public eye during a visit to Aspen yesterday, but an outspoken supporter made the rounds through downtown. Just after…