‘Todos podemos crear música’ Artista participante expande la educación musical en escuelas del ValleYou can find an English-language version of this story here. Todos los años, el Festival Musical de Aspen se asocia con el programa “ArtistYear” de…
Every year Aspen Music Festival and School partners with the AmeriCorps program “ArtistYear” to bring a handful of recent higher-education graduates from…
You can find an English-language version of this story here.Todos los años alrededor de esta época, los alumnos del último año del distrito escolar…
Every year around this time high school seniors in the Roaring Fork School District present their final capstone projects to their teachers, classmates…
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the valley, local schools are having to rethink their plans for the winter months. As of last week, nearly 250…
The Roaring Fork School District announced Friday the 2020-2021 school year will begin virtually on August 17 since COVID-19 risks in the Roaring Fork…
Pueden encontrar la versión en español aquiWhen Gov. Jared Polis ordered Colorado schools to close in mid-March due to the pandemic, the Roaring Fork…
Monday, the Roaring Fork School District begins a three-phase plan to welcome back student athletes for practice over the summer. The first phase will…
Pueden encontrar la versión en español aquiMountain Family Health Centers and the Roaring Fork School District announced a new partnership Thursday to…
COVID-19 has impacted everyone, but not everyone is experiencing the pandemic in the same way. That’s the idea behind Roaring Fork Schools’ roundtable…